Born and based in Berlin, Bahar Bambi fuses aspects of her Turkish and German roots to create artworks that exist between cultures, time periods, and media. Bambi is best known for her large, ornately patterned paintings that combine elements of traditional weaving techniques and contemporary street art. These works seem intensely polar: one end often depicts sharply delineated forms and the strict symmetrical order of Middle Eastern textiles, while the other boasts free forms and carefree colors reminiscent of contemporary graffiti and street art. In the middle, the forms break down and melt together, highlighting the similarities shared by each side. Bambi’s fusions dramatize the friction and harmony of culture that touches so much of the world today; speaking to this effect, Bambi says, “although these cultures differ a lot from each other, bringing both together on one canvas creates a magical new story and beauty through its contrast.”
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