Galeria Camargo Vilaça, São Paulo
Acquired from the above by the present owner
San Sebastián, Koldo Mitxelena Kulturunea, Archivo Pons Artxiboa, October 17, 2002–January 11, 2003, p. 187 (illustrated)
Brazilian • 1964
Brazilian artist Ernesto Neto creates monumental installations and objects of diverse biomorphic shapes and forms that often occupy entire rooms. The works are primarily concerned with corporeality and visual seduction. Viewers are encouraged to participate with the works, and Neto engages the viewer's tactile and olfactory senses through different textures and scents, employing a myriad of synthetic non-traditional materials including nylon and polyamide fabrics, newspaper, nets and aromatic and boldly colored spices. Neto works around the space of the body, where the physical immersion into his works is like a continuation of his own body and mind.
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