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Sign InLaurence Miller Gallery, New York, 2000
Private Dramas, Public Dreams: The Street Photographs of Helen Levitt & Friends, Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art, 10 Dec 2013 – 8 June 2014
American Scene Photography: Martin Z Margulies Collection, Nova Southeastern University, NSU Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, 30 October - 22 March 2015 (select images)
Shared History: Photographs from the Martin Z. Margulies Collection, Ritter Art Gallery, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, 24 January – 7 March 2020 (Shoeshine Stand Detail)
The Bitter Years: Dorothea Lange and Walker Evans, Photographs from the Martin Z. Margulies Collection, The Margulies Collection at the Warehouse, Miami, 19 October 2022 – 29 April 2023; Gibbes Museum of Art, Charleston, 8 September 2023 – 14 January 2024 (select images)
NSU Art Museum, American Scene Photography: Martin Z. Margulies Collection, Fort Lauderdale, exh. cat., 2015, pls. 9, 17
Evans, American Photographs, pl. 40
Agee and Evans, Let Us Now Praise Famous Men, n.p.
Abrams, Walker Evans: The Hungry Eye, p. 45 (variant), p. 103 (detail), p. 169
De Capo Press, Walker Evans: Photographs for the Farm Security Administration, 1935–1938, pls. 241, 338, 389
Evans, Walker Evans. New York: Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1971. p. 103
Fundación Mapfre, Walker Evans, exh. cat., p. 30
Galassi, Robert Frank: In America, p. 33
Hambourg and Rosenheim, Walker Evans. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, cover and pls. 14, 16, 23, 80, 101
Harper & Row, Walker Evans: First and Last, p. 60
Hill, Walker Evans at Work, p. 129
Hill, Walker Evans: Lyric Documentary, p. 197
Keller, Walker Evans: The Getty Museum Collection, pls. 169, 529, 561, 459
Mora, The Last Photographic Heroes: American Photographers of the Sixties and Seventies, p. 38
Mora and Hill, Walker Evans: The Hungry Eye, pl. 209
Walker Evans: American Photographs, pl. 40
Phaidon, Walker Evans: 55, pp. 83, 59 (detail)
Rosenheim, et al, Walker Evans, pl. 101
Scalo, Unclassified: A Walker Evans Anthology, n.p.
Szarkowski, Walker Evans, p. 100
The Art Institute of Chicago, Walker Evans: Leaving Things as They Are, pl. 17
The Museum of Modern Art, Walker Evans & Company, various plates
Each citation for various prints