Kavita Issar Batra - National Gallery Singapore - Gallery Benefit | Past. Future. Present. Singapore Monday, January 10, 2022 | Phillips
  • 來源

    Courtesy of the Artist

  • 過往展覽

    Singapore, Intersection Gallery, Of Time, The Elements and their Essence, 24 September – 11 October 2015 (illustrated)
    Singapore, Intersection Gallery, Singapore’s Intertwined Roots, 13 March - 8 April 2018 (illustrated)

  • 圖錄文章

    Raag Lalit is the second of three works by Kavita Issar Batra (b. 1969, India) that respond to a wonderful musical collaboration between Sri Ravindra Parchure, a Hindustani vocal guru based in Singapore, and David Kelly, an Australian artist and digeridoo player. According to the artist, “Neither was familiar with the other’s musical tradition but, sitting on my studio floor, Ravindraji led with a raag and David responded to it, thus having a musical conversation across cultures.”

    The first time this happened, Issar Batra was mesmerised and felt compelled to respond in paint, to add her own voice to the conversation they had started. The second time a few months later, a different raag was played and once again she felt an urgent need to respond. This resulted in a totally different work—Raag Lalit. She does not have any technical knowledge of Hindustani music but felt that there was something in the timbre of Ravindra’s voice and the way it danced with the digeridoo, which led to this “alla prima” gut response. Raag Lalit is described as a devotional, serene early morning raag.

    Issar Batra finds inspiration on pavements and roads, in the natural “litter” from the trees and plants which we usually ignore and trample beneath our feet. These found materials from bits of bark to seedpod, flowers and other debris often imprint into her art, which gives them voice. She uses various processes of additive and subtractive mark-making to mimic nature on various substrates. Original, ghost prints and layers form these artworks; some quite literal, others abstract; each one unique. Time, the play of the elements and serendipity are inherent to her processes.

    Issar Batra works with paint and printmaking, iPhone photography, video and installations. She studied with British artist and teacher James Holdsworth in his Singapore atelier for three years; was mentored for four years by Australian artist David Kelly; and has completed various courses in London. She has participated in several group exhibitions and had six solo exhibitions, including No Number, No Name at the Visual Arts Gallery, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi, India, in 2019 curated by Dr Alka Pande. In May 2020, she was selected to participate in the STPI inaugural edition of the Printmakers Assembly held online and on Ocula. Her artworks are in private collections in India, UK, Singapore, Europe, the United States, Middle East and Australia.


Raag Lalit

signed with the artist's initials and dated 'KIB 2015' lower right
acrylic, oil and cement on board
100 x 100 cm. (39 3/8 x 39 3/8 in.)
Executed in 2015.

$3,000 - 5,000 



Christine Fernando

National Gallery Singapore - Gallery Benefit | Past. Future. Present.

網上拍賣 2022年1月10至20日