Cartier - Jewels & Jadeite Hong Kong Tuesday, May 23, 2023 | Phillips



    • Each designed as a flower basket, one set with sapphire, emerald and ruby flowers and accented by single-cut diamonds, the other set with ruby and emerald flowers, accented by single-cut diamonds and onyx, both with a carved rock crystal basket, mounted in platinum, numbered, one signed Cartier, width approximately 39 mm and 38 mm respectively.

      Accompanied by two authenticity expertise reports.

  • 圖錄文章

    遠東的國度長久以來都讓西方為之著迷,特別是印度和波斯,對西方珠寶設計影響力尤大。印度曾經有很長一段時間是世界上唯一的鑽石來源,也是出產火光耀目的紅色寶石之地,喚起華麗堂皇的神秘感。自1858年起印度成為大英帝國之殖民地,造就許多英國倫敦和印度之間的正式往來及交流,也是因為這個原因,其時負責經營卡地亞倫敦分支的雅克.卡地亞(Jacques Cartier)得已與印度大君建立密切關係。

    雅克.卡地亞除了被印度大君委託將許多珍貴的鑽石和寶石改鑲成歐洲式的珠寶外,還從印度帶了大量的雕刻寶石回到英國。這些寶石被運用到卡地亞其時的重要設計上,很快就成為品牌獨特的風格之一。色彩斑斕、以描繪花葉及漿果為題,這種對印度風格的詮譯被稱為「Tutti Frutti」,卡地亞其後於1989取得專利,進一步肯定此風格的重要性。全球不少顯赫的名人及私人珍藏中都會發現卡地亞「Tutti Frutti」珠寶的蹤影,這些經典的卡地亞作品每每在國際拍賣場上都會拍出驚人的價格。

    這兩個花籃別針是卡地亞的典型「Tutti Frutti」作品,製於裝飾藝術時期,採用當時流行的水晶,縞瑪瑙及鑽石打造黑白基本配色,再以雕刻的寶石點綴,呈現絢麗的色彩。因為每件「Tutti Frutti」珠寶所鑲嵌及採用的雕刻寶石都不一樣,每件「Tutti Frutti」作品都是獨一無二的,這兩個花籃別針就是絕佳的例子。儘管它們的尺寸和題材都很接近,但在色調和設計都和有特色,收藏樂趣無窮。

  • 藝術家簡介



    With the Constitution of 1848 came a new standard for luxury in France. Founded one year prior by Louis-Francois Cartier, the house of Cartier was one of the first to use platinum in jewelry making. This incredibly expensive material became the stepping-stone for Cartier to experiment in form, mechanisms and attitude. It helped men move from pocket watches to wristwatches, effectively making the watch much more functional and prominent in a man's overall wardrobe.

    Cartier did not only touch on functionality. Inspired by a commissioned painting by George Barbier featuring a black panther at the feet of an elegantly bejeweled woman, Cartier began incorporating wild animals in his designs—most notably, Cartier Panthère rings, bangle bracelets and watches. Yet it wasn't until the late 1960s that the house of Cartier debuted their iconic yellow and rose gold LOVE collection, which includes the famous bracelet that only a special screwdriver can open. 



彩色寶石配鑽石及水晶「Tutti Frutti」別針一對, 卡地亞, 1920年代

Each designed as a flower basket, one set with sapphire, emerald and ruby flowers and accented by single-cut diamonds, the other set with ruby and emerald flowers, accented by single-cut diamonds and onyx, both with a carved rock crystal basket, mounted in platinum, numbered, one signed Cartier, width approximately 39 mm and 38 mm respectively.

Accompanied by two authenticity expertise reports.

HK$480,000 - 680,000 



+852 2318 2039


香港拍賣 2023年5月23日