Atlanta Gallery of Photography
Art et Médecine, October 1931, frontispiece
Librairie Plon, Paris vu par André Kertész, n.p.
Aperture, André Kertész, Aperture Masters of Photography, p. 45
Borhan, André Kertész: His Life and Work, p. 108
Chêne J'aime Paris, p. 207
Corkin, André Kertész: A Lifetime of Perception, p. 71
Ducrot, André Kertész: Sixty Years of Photography, 1912-1972, p. 137
Naef, In Focus: André Kertész, The J. Paul Getty Museum, p. 60, pl. 29
Greenough, André Kertész, pl. 64
The Art Institute of Chicago/The Metropolitan Museum of Art, André Kertész: Of Paris and New York, p. 170
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, The New Vision: Photography Between the World Wars, Ford Motor Company Collection, pl. 10