Rebecca Ness - New Now New York Tuesday, September 28, 2021 | Phillips
  • "I think it's all kind of this exploration to figure out the perfect soup of all of the elements that I like. Like the elements of the invention, the elements of weird points of view, or like stretching a finger too far, or moments like that. I think I'm constantly trying to figure out a painting that has the perfect amount of all of those, like a weird alchemy, because I like paintings that feel like magic. I like paintings where you look in one part and it's completely different, or contradicts in a positive way another aspect of the painting. I think in order for that to happen, there has to be a lot of different ingredients. And so, thinking back to some of my older work, where maybe there was less variety in those ingredients, I'm trying to spice it up." —Rebecca Ness

    • 來源

      洛杉磯 Nino Mier 畫廊

    • 過往展覽

      Los Angeles, Nino Mier Gallery, Rebecca Ness: Pieces of Mind, July 10–August 31, 2020



款識:"IAN" Rebecca Ness 2020 R. Ness(畫背)
水粉 彩色鉛筆 紙本
30 x 22 英吋 (76.2 x 55.9 公分)

Full Cataloguing

$8,000 - 12,000 



Patrizia Koenig

New Now主管暨副專家

212 940 1279


New Now

紐約拍賣 2021年9月28日