Guy Pène du Bois - Modern & Contemporary Art Day Sale, Morning Session New York Wednesday, May 15, 2024 | Phillips



  • “My interest has always been people.”
    —Inger Elliott

    Treasures from the Estate of Inger and Osborn Elliott


    Inger and Osborn Elliott cultivated an art collection worthy of praise. Their home served as a jewel box of taste, with brightly colored walls adorned with paintings, photographs, and drawings, all delicately and masterfully curated.  The couple's diverse collection reflects their devotion to New York City's cultural, intellectual, and civic spheres, while also spanning a global reach of artistic styles and techniques. Inger, originally from Norway, had a passion for photojournalism that brought her to Southeast Asia, where she documented the Vietnam War from a helicopter. She would later go on to found China Seas, a design firm specializing in batik textiles. Osborn, a revolutionary Newsweek editor and social advocate, went on to become the Dean of Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism. Trailblazers in their own regard, the Elliotts amassed a collection including rare, early works by Willem de Kooning, Wassily Kandinsky, and Milton Avery, among those by many other innovative modern and post-war painters, photographers, and printmakers.

    Inger and Osborn Elliott.

    Inger and Oz's eye for style, together with a casual, chic approach to curation, set them apart from other collectors. It is their charisma that lives on through these artworks, proving that a distinct approach to collecting yields the finest quality. These artworks not only have excellent provenance, but also exhibit a unique rarity and quality,  remarkably contemporary despite their age. 

    • 來源

      紐約James Graham & Sons收藏
      布朗斯維爾William H. Bender遺產管理委員會收藏
      紐約,蘇富比,1977 年 4 月 26 日,拍品編號 210
      紐約David 和 Lova Abrahamsen收藏(購自上述拍賣)
      紐約Inger Elliott收藏(繼承自上述來源)

Inger與Osborn Elliott伉儷遺產管理委員會收藏


《對話 - 巴黎咖啡廳 (易芳.佩內杜拜亞)》

款識:Guy Pène du Bois(左上方)
油彩 紙板
9 1/2 x 13 英吋(24.1 x 33 公分)

Full Cataloguing

$12,000 - 18,000 



Annie Dolan
212 940 1288


紐約拍賣 2024年5月15日