Galerie Maeght, Paris
Martha Jackson Gallery, New York
Galleri Kenneth Ȧlberg, Gothenburg
Private Collection
Christie's, London, 26 June 1986, lot 29
Acquired at the above sale by the late owner
Gothenburg, Galleri 69, Antoni Tàpies, 1975, no. 233, p. 11 (illustrated)
Edmond Raillard, antoni tàpies MÉMOIRE autobiographie, Paris, 1981, p. 97 (illustrated)
Pere Gimferrer, TÀPIES AND THE CATALAN SPIRIT, Barcelona, 1986, no. 87, pp. 67, 368 (illustrated, p. 67)
Anna Augustí, Tàpies The Complete Works 1969–1975, vol. III, Koln, 1997, no. 2009, p. 61 (illustrated)