Der Schlaf IV (y-drops)
the canvas is signed 'Thomas Zipp' lower left and titled 'y-drops' centre right; further titled 'Der Schlaf IV (y-drops)' on the reverse; the sheet is signed, titled and dated 'Thomas Zipp "(y-drops)" 06' on the backing board
acrylic and oil on muslin/ mixed media /chandelier (3 Parts)
canvas: 250 x 340.3 cm (98 3/8 x 133 7/8 in.)
sheet: 32 x 27 cm (12 5/8 x 10 5/8 in.)
chandelier: 166 x 155 cm (65 3/8 x 61 in.)
Executed in 2004.
£6,000 - 8,000 ♠†
Sold for £10,000
Contact SpecialistSimon Tovey
Head of Sale
+44 20 7318 4084