'Country Homes: Marshcourt, Hampshire', Country Life, no. 504, 1 September 1906, p. 312 for a similar example A.S.G. Butler, The Domestic Architecture of Sir Edwin Lutyens, London, 1950, pl. 35 for a similar example
Catalogue Essay
Phillips wishes to thank Candia Lutyens for her assistance with the cataloguing of the present lot.
The present model bears all the hallmarks of Sir Edward Lutyens' furniture design: the legs, typically Tuscan columns sitting atop a curved stretcher rail with turned bun feet, are instantly recognisable as his design. Lutyens showed a marked interest in modular and flexible pieces that could be moved around and fitted together. The quadrant form of this table is an early example of this enthusiasm. The present lot is comparable to the table designed for the Walnut Dining Room of Marshcourt, built in 1901-1904, which is considered to be one of Lutyens’ most revolutionary houses, both in its style and materials.