Private collection, Denmark, 1960s
Mobilier et Décoration (Paris), no. 1, January 1955, pp. 36-37
Marianne Aav and Nina Stritzler-Levine, eds., Finnish Modern Design: Utopian Ideals and Everyday Realities: 1930-1997, exh. cat., The Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, New Haven, 1998, p. 240, fig. 10-4
Niels–Jørgen Kaiser, The World of Henning Koppel, Copenhagen, 2000, p. 64 for a work on paper, p. 65
Charlotte and Peter Fiell, eds., Decorative Art 50s, Cologne, 2000, p. 460
Arne Karlsen, Danish Furniture Design: in the 20th Century, Volume 2, Copenhagen, 2007, p. 114