In addition to his many talents as a photographer, painter, designer, and curator, Edward Steichen was an accomplished horticulturist, breeding a wide array of flowering plants in his gardens in France and, later, in Connecticut. Most famously, Steichen began a series of photographs of sunflowers in the early 1920s that he called From Seed to Seed, from which the photograph offered her comes. In 1929, poet Carl Sandburg caught the essence of Steichen’s work during this period: ‘To ramble through fifty or a hundred of his photographs is to come in touch with something of the world of art and the world of science and then something else beyond those worlds, for which we do not have words. . . Imagine the days and months of toil and enthusiasm necessary to photograph The Life of the Sunflower, from germinating seed to the seed pod of successive generations. . . This is the joining of artist and naturalist.’

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