Jennifer Hawkins Opie, Scandinavia: Ceramics & Glass in the Twentieth Century, London, 1989, p. 75, fig. 217 for an example from the series
Marianne Aav and Nina Stritzler-Levine, eds., Finnish Modern Design: Utopian Ideals and Everyday Realities: 1930-1997, exh. cat., The Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, New Haven, 1998, p. 341, fig. 111 for an example from the series
Marianne Aav and Eeva Viljanen, eds., Iittala: 125 Years of Finnish Glass Complete History with all Designers, Helsinki, 2006, pp. 87, 95, 97, 123, for examples from the series, p. 227