Buyers of lots indicated with a [∞] symbol may be entitled to claim a charitable contribution deduction for the hammer price, but such deduction will be limited to the excess of the hammer price paid for the lot over its fair market value. In accordance with applicable IRS regulations, Phillips has provided a good faith estimate of the fair market value for each lot, which is the mean of the pre‐sale estimates relating to that lot. Buyers will have until January 31, 2022, inclusively, to indicate to One Drop in writing, their wish to benefit from this charitable contribution deduction by sending an email to Tara Maritzer, Advisor, Donor Relations and Corporate Development at One Drop Foundation: Bidders are advised to consult with their own tax advisors to determine the application of the tax law to their own specific circumstances and whether a charitable contribution deduction is available.
All net proceeds generated by the sale of this lot will be dedicated to the One Drop Foundation’s vital mission of ensuring sustainable access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene services to some of the world’s most vulnerable communities. The past year has shown how access to water and the adoption of healthy behaviours like handwashing are essential to control the spread of COVID-19.
The One Drop Foundation™ is an international philanthropic organization created by Cirque du Soleil and Lune Rouge founder Guy Laliberté with the vision of a better world, where all have access to living conditions that allow empowerment and development. With Cirque du Soleil as its founding partner, One Drop is imbued with boundless creativity and an artistic mindset. By using art as a tool to foster behaviour change, the One Drop Foundation developed the Social Art for Behaviour Change™ (SABC) approach, which builds a profound sense of involvement, ownership, and empowerment within communities. From empowering hundreds of leaders of change and entrepreneurs in Latin America, to installing mobile handwashing stations in high-traffic areas in Burkina Faso, to training health care workers in Malawi and to supporting some of the most marginalized populations in India, the One Drop Foundation is celebrating 14 years of turning water into action, with projects that will soon have improved the living conditions of over 2.3 million people around the world. Discover the One Drop Foundation’s 2020 impact report. Thanks to its fruitful collaboration with Phillips since 2018, One Drop has been able to raise over $11 million for its vital mission.