Irwin Welcher, San Francisco, possibly acquired from Dorothea Lange in the 1950s or 1960s
Eddie Diba, San Francisco
Private Collection, San Francisco
To the present owner, 2009
San Francisco News, March 11, 1936
“Draggin’- Around People,” Survey Graphic, September 1936
Meltzer, Dorothea Lange: A Photographer’s Life, cover, p. 213
Szarkowski, Phillips, and Heyman, Dorothea Lange: American Photographs, back cover, pl. 43
The Museum of Modern Art, Dorothea Lange, p. 25
Aperture, Dorothea Lange: Photographs of a Lifetime, p. 77
Borhan, Dorothea Lange: Heart and Mind of a Photographer, p. 133
Davis, The Photographs of Dorothea Lange, p. 45
Keller, In Focus: Dorothea Lange, Photographs from the J. Paul Getty Museum, pl. 13 there titled Human Erosion in California/Facing Starvation/Starvation/Migrant Mother, Nipoma, California
Light, Witness In Our Time, Working Lives of Documentary Photographers, Rondal Partridge, Dorothea Lange in The Field, p. 203
NBC Editions, Dorothea Lange: The Human Face, p. 99
Partridge, Restless Spirit: The Life and Work of Dorothea Lange, p. 4
Partridge, Dorothea Lange: A Visual Life, pl. 6.16
Whitney Museum of American Art, The American Century: Art and Culture 1900-2000, p. 248
Partridge, Dorothea Lange, A Visual Life, 1994, film including extensive interviews with Rondal Partridge
PBS American Masters, Dorothea Lange: Grab A Hunk of Lightning, 2014, film