Galerie Johnen & Schöttle, Cologne
Private Collection, Cologne
Private Collection, UK
New York, 303 Gallery, Andreas Gursky, 16 September - 14 October 1989 (another example exhibited)
Deichtorhallen Hamburg; Amsterdam, De Appel Foundation, Andreas Gursky: Photographs 1984 - 1993, 4 February- 4 July 1994, pp. 45 and 124 (illustrated, p. 45)
Kunsthalle Dusseldorf, Andreas Gursky - Photographs from 1984 to the Present, 29 August - 18 October 1998, pp. 18 and 68 (another example exhibited and illustrated, p. 68)
New York, The Museum of Modern Art, Andreas Gursky, 4 March - 15 May 2001, pp. 46 - 47 and 194 (another example exhibited and illustrated, p. 47)
Paris, Centre Pompidou, Andreas Gursky, 13 February - 29 April 2002, pp. 4 - 5 (another example exhibited and illustrated, p. 4)
Kunstmuseen Krefeld, Haus Lange und Haus Esters; Stockholm, Moderna Museet; Vancouver Art Gallery, Andreas Gursky. Arbeten. Works 80-08, 12 October 2008 - 20 September 2009, pp. 60 and 249 (another variant exhibited and illustrated, p. 60)
London, Hayward Gallery, Andreas Gursky, 25 January - 22 April 2018, n.p. (another example exhibited and illustrated)
Liz Jobey, 'Andreas Gursky: 'The perfect image is not something that can be taught'', Financial Times, 12 January 2018, n.p. (another example illustrated)