Alexander Calder - Editions Southampton New York Saturday, June 25, 2022 | Phillips



  • "Santa Claus, measuring twenty-eight by twenty-two inches, is a volume in keeping with Calder’s current interest in monumental works. Increased scale does not mean increased labor on his graphics any more than on his sculpture. The publisher prepared huge waxed plates, and Calder incised them with a rough tool, he says, in a few hours. The nine etchings, with their shaggy outlines, are related in style to the illustrations in his earliest books, but the former are far more original."
    —Jean Lipman, Calder’s Universe, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 1977, p. 134

    • 藝術家簡介


      American • 1898 - 1976

      Alexander Calder worked as an abstract sculptor and has been commonly referred to as the creator of the mobile. He employed industrious materials of wire and metal and transformed them into delicate geometric shapes that respond to the wind or float in air. Born into a family of sculptors, Calder created art from childhood and moved to Paris in 1926, where he became a pioneer of the international avant-garde. In addition to his mobiles, Calder produced an array of public constructions worldwide as well as drawings and paintings that feature the same brand of abstraction. Calder was born in Lawnton, Pennsylvania.



《無題(聖誕老人 I - IX)》

全套九組蝕刻版畫 Richard de Bas 紙本(全包邊)附 E. E. Cummings 的扉頁、理由和文本 Arches 紙本 散裝(如出版所示)全部存於原裝棕色紙面文件夾和米色麻布面文件夾 連蓋章簽名、標題和圖像
圖像:18 5/8 x 13 3/4 英吋 (47.3 x 34.9 公分)
紙本:26 1/4 x 20 1/4 英吋 (66.7 x 51.4 公分)
文件夾:27 3/4 x 21 2/3 x 1 1/2 英吋 (70.5 x 55 x 3.8 公分)

款識:簽名、H.C.(版權頁)225 exemplaires BON A TIRER(文本首頁)
尚有175版、50版藝術家試作版,此作由巴黎 Editions de L'Herne 畫廊出版。

Full Cataloguing

$3,500 - 4,500 



212 940 1220

Editions Southampton

紐約拍賣 2022年6月25日