London, The Saatchi Gallery, The Shape of Things to Come: New Sculpture, 27 May - 16 October 2011
The Shape of Things to Come: New Sculpture, Exh. Cat., The Saatchi Gallery, 2011, pp. 52, 53
Catalogue Essay
Many of Hiorns’ three-dimensional projects yield to the autonomous generative properties of his chosen substance (crystallising fluid, detergent foam, fire) to ‘isolate’ objects, to make us conscious of their origins and their contexts. His diptych Untitled (2010) combines ordinary and esoteric materials – polyurethane, polyester and brain matter – to explore transparency as a sculptural property. “We're surrounded by codified practices consistently imposed on us by dominant objects. We're under a narrow coercion from the objects that we design for ourselves. Of course, this question is strikingly obvious: Are we a balanced society? Can we retool our objects, perhaps? What would that involve, and is it possible to transgress the continuous production of next-generation objects, to insert transgressive stimulus, the cross of semen and the light bulb, for example? To retool, simply to ask: Do we live in a society where we make objects towards the darker side of our psyche? Is it useful to continue this procedure even further, with more necessity and speed?"
2010 polyurethane, polyester, brain matter (in 2 parts) (i) 176 x 105 x 26.8 cm. (69 1/4 x 41 3/8 x 10 1/2 in.); (ii) 147 x 156 x 27.3 cm. (57 7/8 x 61 3/8 x 10 3/4 in.)
Estimate £12,000 - 18,000 ♠†
Sold for £15,000
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