Das Interieur, vol. IV, Vienna, 1903, p. 77 for a similar example
Jacob & Josef Kohn, Munich, 1916, p. 41
Stefan Asenbaum, et al., Gebogenes Holz Konstruktive Entwürfe, Wien 1840-1910, Michael Thonet, Adolf Loos, Otto Wagner..., exh. cat., Villa Stuck, Munich, 1979, p. 53 for a similar example
Paul Asenbaum, et al., Otto Wagner: Möbel und Innenräume, Salzburg, 1984, pp. 85, 106, 202 for similar examples
Derek E. Ostergard, ed., Bent Wood and Metal Furniture: 1850-1946, exh. cat., The American Federation of Arts, New York, 1987, pp. 114, 246, 247 for similar examples
Renée Price, ed., New Worlds: German and Austrian Art 1890–1940, New York, 2001, p. 411 for a similar example
Giovanni Renzi, Il mobile moderno: Gebrüder Thonet Vienna, Jacob & Joseph Kohn, Milan, 2009, pp. 88-89 for similar examples