'Women are like God or God Himself…Women's natural acquaintance with emotion makes them the best reflection of the Supreme Being to me, and the advanced version of men.' —Oluwole Omofemi
Born in Nigeria in 1988, Oluwole Omofemi’s powerful, poignantly beautiful and bold portrayal of women and Afrocentric pride has seen him the subject of growing global critical acclaim. Through his works, Omofemi celebrates women’s natural beauty and power, making a statement against what he views as the deterioration of pride and self-esteem amongst his ‘Black sisters’ today. Me and You is a wonderfully warm and tender depiction. With one figure’s head resting on the shoulder of the other, the two sisters, friends, or lovers hold hands as they look out at the viewer. Set against a vibrant yellow background, the figures exude tranquillity and harmony.
The background in the present example, mirrors that of Omofemi’s recent monumental portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, commemorating Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee, which has been featured on the cover of Tatler’s July 2022 issue.
Me and You was included in Oluwole Omofemi’s solo exhibition at Signature African Art in 2021. The artist was celebrated at a further solo exhibition at Signature African Art in 2020 and in 2019 in Lagos, Nigeria.
Oluwole Omofemi discusses his painting of Queen Elizabeth II on the cover Tatler (July 2022)