夸爾斯在作品中將平面與三維空間並置,這些表現流動性的肖像亦讓人想起超現實主義作品的風格與構圖元素,例如多蘿西婭·唐寧的《On Time Off Time》。唐寧在亞利桑那州沙漠環境中生活時創作了此畫作,作品描繪一座房子的木製地基,畫面背景是荒蕪的景觀,滾滾濃煙與烈焰從兩邊升起。與唐寧的這幅作品相似,夸爾斯利用一條對角線從左下角到右上角區分畫面的前景和背景。兩位藝術家都使用了以矩形平面表現的地板和天空來深化這一視角。
As a queer woman born to a black father and a white mother, Christina Quarles has developed a worldview defined by multiplicity. Often misrepresented as a white woman in life, Quarles creates work that confronts ideas of race, gender, and queerness. The highly expressive human forms of Quarles’s paintings hover between figuration and abstraction, paradoxically occupying both spaces at once. By incorporating the contradictions of identity into her painting, Quarles has developed an art form defined by energized formal inventiveness and semi-pictorial abstraction that has been likened to the early work of Arshile Gorky and Willem de Kooning, breathing new life into the historical legacies of their work.
Quarles was born in Chicago, Illinois in 1985 and was raised in Los Angeles, California. She completed her BA at Hampshire College in 2007 and earned her MFA at Yale University in 2016. Today, Quarles lives and works in Los Angeles with her wife.