Yvon Lambert Gallery, Paris
Acquired from the above by the present owner in 1998
Avignon, Collection Lambert, Theorema, Une Collection Privée en Italie. La Collection d'Enea Righi, 5 February - 29 May 2005, p. 238, 243 (illustrated, pp. 68-69)
Frascati, Scuderie Aldobrandini, About Caravaggio. Visioni & illusioni contemporanee, 30 October 2012 – 7 April 2013, p. 84 (illustrated)
Brussels, The Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Andres Serrano: Uncensored Photographs, 18 March - 21 August 2016 (another example exhibited)
Modena, MATA, The Mannequin of History: Art after the Fabrications of Critique and Culture, 18 September 2015 – 31 January 2016, pl. 79, n.p. (illustrated)