The Articker Bulletin • 16 February
Real-time, daily analysis of the art world using algorithmic intelligence to mine millions of online articles and identify emerging markets.
1 First Headline First-ever Headline in The New York Times for Yvette Mayorga
Yvette Mayorga Bakes Family History Into Her Show ‘The Golden Cage’
2 First Headline First-ever Headline in ARTnews for Li Hei Di
Emerging Artist Li Hei Di Joins Pace Gallery, Becoming the Youngest Artist on Its Roster
3 First Headline First-ever Headline in Frieze for Danielle McKinney
4 First Headline First-ever Headline in Artnet for Raven Halfmoon
How Raven Halfmoon Channels Indigenous History and Identity Into Her Monumental Sculptures
5 First Headline First-ever Headline in Artnet for Amy Bravo
6 First Headline First-ever Headline in ARTnews for Bony Ramirez
For His First Solo Museum Show, Bony Ramirez Uses the Cattleya Orchid as a Metaphor for Colonialism
7 First Headline First-ever Headline in Juxtapoz Magazine for Camilla Engström
Camilla Engström Atmospheric and Simply Beautiful Works in "Ro"
8 Recent MFA in Headline Recent MFA in the Headline
Violet Dennison a 2019 Bard College MFA, was just in the following headline 'There’s an anxiety under all of it': Violet Dennison in New York on
9 Recent MFA in Headline Recent MFA in the Headline
Lily Wong a 2020 Hunter College MFA, was just in the following headline Desiderio e nostalgia per luoghi sconosciuti e astratti. Intervista a Lily Wong, in mostra a Milano on
10 Recent MFA in Headline Recent MFA in the Headline
Nicki Green a 2018 UC Berkeley MFA, was just in the following headline With ‘Firmament,’ Nicki Green Constructs Porous Spaces for Transformation on
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