Phillips is redefining what it means to be an auction house in the 21st century.

As an innovative art business that offers a distinctive, contemporary destination for global art collectors, we have made a conscious choice to reflect 20th and 21st century art and culture in everything we do.

Undergoing an exciting period of global expansion, Phillips attracts collectors from every facet of the international art world, with salerooms in London, New York, Hong Kong and Geneva supported by an expanding network of regional offices and representatives in The Americas, Europe and Asia.

With 20th Century and Contemporary Art, Design, Jewels and Watches on offer, our Hong Kong sales attract participants from over 45 countries across six continents. Our recent sales in Hong Kong achieved record breaking results, including new world auction records for Christine Ay Tjoe, KAWS, Sean Scully and Peter Doig. Being the global leader in watch auctions, our Spring sale in Hong Kong went on to achieve the highest total for any watch auction in Asia all season.

Phillips is redefining the auction house experience as we adapt and look to the future. Contact our team of global specialists for more information about upcoming selling opportunities.


每年富藝斯香港春秋兩季拍賣,均涵蓋頂級二十世紀及當代藝術、設計、珠寶和名錶,吸引來自全球六大洲共四十五個國家的藏家參與。自2016年正式進軍亞洲以來,香港多場拍賣成績斐然,並為不少藝術家創下世界拍賣紀錄,包括克裡絲汀 • 艾珠(Christine Ay Tjoe)的畫作及KAWS的雕塑作品,同時刷新肖恩 • 斯庫利(Sean Scully) 及彼得 • 多爾格(Peter Doig)的亞洲拍賣紀錄。今年春季的名錶薈萃拍賣總成績亦再一次冠絕本季亞洲的鐘錶拍賣,持續穩定富藝斯的國際鐘錶拍賣領導地位。
