Titles in plate order:
Portfolio I
1. Edmund Collein, Bauatelier Gropius, 1927-28
2. Hajo Rose, Self-portait (Photomontage), 1931
3. Lotte Stam-Beese, Albert Braun with Mirror, 1928
4. Lucia Moholy, Dr. Franz Roh, 1926
5. W. David Feist, Man with Pipe (Kurt Stolp), 1929
6. Gertrud Arndt, Wera Waldek (negative), 1930
7. T. Lux Feininger, Bauhaus Band, circa 1928
8. Irene Bayer, Macaroni, 1928
9. Gyula Pap, Nude, 1930
10. Walter Funkat, Glass Spheres, Metal Festival, 1929
Portfolio II
1. Herbert Bayer, Glass Eyes, circa 1928
2. Katt Both, Atikah Cigarettes, 1930-1931
3. Gerd Balzer, Prellerhaus Balconies, Bauhaus (Dessau), 1933
4. Horacio Coppola, Egg and String, 1932
5. Ellen Auerbach ("pit"), Sewing Silk, circa 1930
6. Grete Stern ("ringl"), Paper in Glass, 1931
7. Georg Muche, Furniture Workshop in the Glass, 1921
8. Eugen Batz, Net and Wood Fragments, 1930
9. Franz Ehrlich and Heinz Loew, Study for Light Advertisement (Plastic Workshop), 1927-1928
10. Karl Straub, Photogram, 1924/1984