Collection of Dodie Rosekrans, San Francisco
Sotheby's, New York, Property from the Collection of Dodie Rosekrans, 8 December 2011, lot 272
Phillips, New York, 1 October 2019, lot 198
Vogue Paris, November 1981, p. 164
Scalo, Helmut Newton: Pages from the Glossies, Facsimiles 1956-1998, p. 430
Schirmer/Mosel, Helmut Newton: Aus dem Photographischen Werk, pp. 31-32
Schirmer/Mosel, Helmut Newton: World Without Men, p. 72
Taschen, Helmut Newton: Work, p. 189
Taschen, Helmut Newton (SUMO), n.p.
Thames & Hudson, Helmut Newton: 47 Nudes, p. 47
Felix, The Best of Helmut Newton, pl. 32
Harrison, Appearances: Fashion Photography Since 1945, p. 241
Kicken, Kicken and Förster, Points of View: Masterpieces of Photography and Their Stories, p. 249
Koetzle, Photo Icons, Vol. 2, pp. 146, 151
Helmut Newton: Big Nudes, n.p.
German • 1920 - 2004
Helmut Newton's distinct style of eroticism and highly produced images was deemed rebellious and revolutionary in its time, as he turned the expected notion of beauty, depicted by passive and submissive women, on its head. Depicting his models as strong and powerful women, Newton reversed gender stereotypes and examined society's understanding of female desire.
Newton created a working space for his models that was part decadent and part unorthodox — a safe microcosm in which fantasies became reality. And perhaps most famously of all, Newton engendered an environment in which his female models claimed the space around them with unapologetic poise and commanding sensuality. His almost cinematic compositions provided a hyper-real backdrop for the provocative images of sculptural, larger-than-life women, and enhanced the themes of voyeurism and fetishism that run throughout his work.
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