Cindy Sherman - Photographs New York Wednesday, October 9, 2024 | Phillips
  • “I’m more interested in films, I think, than I am in art on a certain level.”
    —Cindy Sherman

    The photograph offered here is one of the key images in Cindy Sherman’s seminal Untitled Film Still series. Made between 1977 and 1980, the Untitled Film Stills took as their starting point female stereotypes from popular culture, including those found in B movies, film noire, television, and pulp fiction. Sherman cast herself as the main character in each photograph, meticulously styling and costuming herself for dramatic effect in her performance for the camera. Never named or identified, Sherman’s heroines are nevertheless immediately recognizable as archetypes, prompting viewers to construct their own narratives. The element of performance in Sherman’s Film Stills and their investigation of self and identity, have made the work a central touchstone in postmodern and contemporary art. 

    • 來源

      日內瓦Art & Public畫廊(1999年)

    • 文學

      Sherman, Cindy Sherman: The Complete Untitled Film Stills, p. 55
      Electa, DONNA: Avanguardia Femminista Negli Anni '70 dalla Sammlung Verbund di Vienna, p. 174
      Maloney, I Am a Camera: The Saatchi Gallery, pl. 140
      Rizzoli Electa, Cindy Sherman, p. 82
      The Museum of Modern Art, Cindy Sherman, pl. 51
      The Museum of Contemporary Art, Cindy Sherman: Retrospective, pl. 19
      Vice, ‘Traces of Soho Past,’ 1 March 2010, p. 76

    • 藝術家簡介


      American • 1954

      Seminal to the Pictures Generation as well as contemporary photography and performance art, Cindy Sherman is a powerhouse art practitioner.  Wily and beguiling, Sherman's signature mode of art making involves transforming herself into a litany of characters, historical and fictional, that cross the lines of gender and culture. She startled contemporary art when, in 1977, she published a series of untitled film stills.

      Through mise-en-scène​ and movie-like make-up and costume, Sherman treats each photograph as a portrait, though never one of herself. She embodies her characters even if only for the image itself. Presenting subversion through mimicry, against tableaus of mass media and image-based messages of pop culture, Sherman takes on both art history and the art world.

      Though a shape-shifter, Sherman has become an art world celebrity in her own right. The subject of solo retrospectives across the world, including a blockbuster showing at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, and a frequent exhibitor at the Venice Biennale among other biennials, Sherman holds an inextricable place in contemporary art history.



《無題菲林照片 #18》

7 5/8 x 9 1/2 英吋(19.4 x 24.1 公分)

Full Cataloguing

$80,000 - 120,000 



Sarah Krueger

Vanessa Hallett


紐約拍賣 2024年10月9日